
How to feed data into your toolkit materials and prototypes

Sometimes it is helpful to decouple page data from materials and layouts.


Data can be stored in JSON or YML files in the src/data directory.

Data within these files is accessed using dot notation. For example, given home.yml:

  About Us:
    - About Us
    - Careers
    - Media Center
    - Legal

Data could be used in a view as:

{{#each home.links}}
    {{#each this}}
        <a href="#">{{this}}</a>

And would output:

<a href="#">About Us</a>
<a href="#">Careers</a>
<a href="#">Media Center</a>
<a href="#">Legal</a>

Material Front-matter

Data can also be stored as front-matter in a view or material.

Example material src/materials/components/welcome.html:

greeting: Hello
<div class="welcome">{{greeting}}, World!</div>


<div class="welcome">Hello, World!</div>


Each view is templated with a unique context (data model) assembled from material data, front-matter, and src/data. Fabricator scrapes the files in your toolkit and builds theses data models on the fly. They only exist within the fabricator-assemble task; views are templated using these data models, but the data is never written to disk.

Here's an example scheme:

    // page front-matter
    "title": "Home",
    // built-in props
    "baseurl": "..",
    // src/data
    "home": {
        "greeting": "Hello",
        "action": "Click"
    "user": {
        "user": {
            "name": "Luke"
    // material data
    "materials": {
        "components": {
            "name": "Components",
            "items": {
                "alerts": {
                    "name": "Alerts",
                    "items": {
                        "alerts.primary": {
                            "name": "Primary",
                            "notes": ""
                "button": {
                    "name": "Button",
                    "notes": "<p>foo <code>bar</code></p>\n"
                "toggles": {
                    "name": "Toggles",
                    "items": {
                        "toggles.primary": {
                            "name": "Primary",
                            "notes": ""
        "structures": {
            "name": "Structures",
            "items": {
                "form": {
                    "name": "Form",
                    "notes": ""
    // user-defined views
    "views": {
        "pages": {
            "name": "Pages",
            "items": {
                "home": {
                    "name": "Home"
    // documentation
    "docs": {
        "javascript": {
            "name": "Javascript",
            "content": "<h2>This is a markdown document.</h2>\n<p><code>var foo = 'bar';</code></p>\n"

You can iterate over the properties in this data model when customizing your Fabricator pages.

Reserved words

There are a handful of predefined context properties. You should avoid over-riding these properties.


Used when building links in nested views:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{baseurl}}/assets/toolkit/toolkit.css">